What is Portable Sand Blasting Machine?

What is Portable Sand Blasting Machine?

portable Sandblasting machine is basically used to clean, etch and smooth the surface of any material, mainly for the metallic surface. It is one of the most efficient and fast methods which uses compressed air to shape and smooth surface of any foreign material. It is mainly fully fulfilling for the removal of rust which causes surface damage.

There are various types of Sand Blasting Machine :

  1. Suction Blasting machine
  2. Pressure Blasting machine
  3. Wet Blasting

Portable Type Sand Blasting Machine as the name suggests this type of shot blasting machine is portable so these can be moved from one place to another. These are normally found attached to the semi-trailers to carry on different locations. And if you use a lighter version of this machine then these are more easy to use and you can freely move them.

Portable sandblasting machine or mobile sandblasters are the machines which can be movable from one place to another easily.  To avoid major lung diseases we can use safety devices such as air blaster helmets, operators’ suits, hand gloves, gumboots. One thing you should never sandblast in a portable abrasive sandblasting machine other than yourself is sheet metal. If the blasting abrasive media is harder than the metal blasted, the material is removed leaving a texture. This stretches the blasted side of the metal surface. Using sands system for flat panels, we can utilize a softer abrasive like Walnut shell or plastic media.

It is applicable not only to remove rust but to prepare the surface for high-performance coatings or to treat products to give the surface texture desired by the retail consumer. Materials utilized in sandblasting are sand, copper slag, steel grit, pieces of walnut, powder abrasive, pieces of avocado and several others.

Sand used to be the most commonly used abrasive media material, but since the lung disease are caused by inhalation of the dust created by sand, other materials are now used in its place (such as copper slag, steel grit, baking soda, glass beads, dry ice, and walnut shells).

Secondly sand may contain high percentage moisture content that can lead to the failure of blasting equipment. Rather of sand as abrasive media we can use steel grit for removing rust, sand layers of paint from the thick metal surface and crushed glass for light blasting surface which could be damaged, if it will used other heavier materials.

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